6 Proven Benefits of Wearing Adhesive Breast Forms

Mastectomy is a surgical procedure that often leaves most patients in significant pain and psychological turmoil. Once a woman loses a breast, she is highly susceptible to low self-esteem. 

As such, medical researchers and companies have come up with different products that offer breast replacement solutions.

The marketplace has many mastectomy products that offer coverage and drainage solutions, especially during the healing stages. However, once the scar completely heals, it is always advisable to upgrade to a more hybrid solution, such as adhesive (stick-on) breast forms.

As the name suggests, adhesive breast forms are artificial breasts that resemble natural breasts in all aspects, including fitting. To learn more about stick-on breast forms, we will discuss some of the benefits a mastectomy patient experiences from wearing stick-on breast forms.

Natural Feeling

Mastectomy bras have pockets in the breast cups for holding your breast forms. The mastectomy bra, however, feels less part of your body, which can affect your body’s natural appearance.

When you are wearing an adhesive breast form, ensure that you rub your scar and the surrounding skin with alcohol to remove oil and sweat residue; a clean skin ensures that your adhesive breast form sticks to your skin correctly.

To get a good balance on your chest, your breast form shops Florida will balance the size and the weight of your breast and the adhesive breast form. Balancing size and weight is crucial in ensuring that your chest feels and looks natural even if you wear tight clothes.

Two for One Deal

Adhesive breast forms are economical because they offer a two-for-one deal: a mastectomy patient usually wears pocketed mastectomy bras during the recovering stages where drainage is critical.

As such, when the patient fully recovers, the mastectomy bras will still come in handy with the adhesive breast forms. Apart from wearing the adhesive breast forms directly on your skin, you can also cover the adhesive backside and slide the breast form into the mastectomy bra’s pocketed cups.

Therefore, for the price of one breast form, you get the utility of two breast forms.

Natural Aesthetics

The aesthetic details on an adhesive breast form are remarkable. As such, precise characteristics such as prosthetic nipples ensure that the adhesive breast forms resemble a natural breast as much as possible.

Uniform Load Distribution

Loading is a very important aspect that a breast form manufacturer considers when designing their products. Intrinsically, uniform weight distribution helps ensure a natural chest appearance.

Most silicone breast forms, on the other hand, are bulky, causing unnecessary pressure on your shoulders. Silicone is denser, and makes the mastectomy bra lag.

However, adhesive breast forms are made of less dense material than silicone, making them lighter. Additionally, the adhesive pad on the back ensures an even weight distribution on the contact area once you stick the adhesive breast form onto your chest.

Therefore, uniform weight distribution using adhesive pads allows the adhesive breast form to sit properly on the chest, helping your ‘breast’ to maintain position regardless of how much you move.

Easy Movement

Exercise is crucial to ensure a full recovery after a mastectomy. Nonetheless, exercising can be very hectic when you are wearing ordinary breast forms as they need constant adjustments.

Additionally, if you are wearing ordinary cloth breast forms, you will need to keep removing them during sporting activities such as swimming. 

Adhesive breast forms give you the chance to freely move when exercising, swimming, or jogging in the morning. 

Therefore, wearing adhesive breast forms takes your worries away from constant breast form adjustments so you can focus entirely on your exercise routine.

Reviving Your Wardrobe

After a mastectomy, a woman requires significant wardrobe adjustments to include new mastectomy bras. As such, a mastectomy patient may tend to think that their old bras and t-shirts are obsolete, and that they may look odd in their new body.

However, adhesive breast forms allow a mastectomy patient to wear an ordinary bra and fitting t-shirts, just as they used to before the mastectomy. Adhesive breast forms sit on your chest just like a natural breast, and require no pocket bras for support.

Thus, your adhesive breast forms will look and feel just like natural breasts once you cover them with a regular bra.


Adhesive breast forms have significant benefits to mastectomy patients, as discussed above, which make them an ideal breast replacement solution. Ensure you purchase them from a credible breast from shop.